Behold! Brain Vomit!
To Make the Sexy Times or Not to Make the Sexy Times, that is the Question
I just finished a book. It's called Broken Dreams, and it has some intense sexual moments, more than I have used before. My worry? I want my book to be plot-driven and not just sexy times. I have asked to be sure, and my beta readers and editor think it's fine. Still, one beta reader did get me wondering.
How much sex is too much?
I have to admit, when I read sex scenes in a book, unless that scene is filled with dialogue and significant to the story, my eyes will blur right through it. I've read so many books with so many sex scenes, and how many different ways can you say Larry fucked Ted?
So unless it's different, I'm gone. It's one of the reasons I work hard to ensure my own books are unique, that when the characters come together (no pun intended), they set those pages on fire. I also try my best to make sure the scenes are different in the book and when compared to my other books. I also do my best to make sure it's about the plot.
A Facebook group posted a question about the hardest thing about writing. Do you know what the authors answered? The sex scenes.
If Facebook was thinking it, I had to know who else was. So you know me, I Googled. Check out these articles:
Oh, you have to read this one right here:
This is for us writers on the spectrum. Love what Tara Lain has to say here. Check it out!
Great advice. Will not disappoint!
One of the most important things you can do as a writer is make sure what you write contributes to the plot, helping it move the story along.
That includes the sexy times, so if it works, it works. I've been told that mine work.
I can't wait to hear if it works for you.
What's Happening at Home
I don't know about you, but my family is anticipating a normal (or as normal can be) school year. To help, we took a vacation. As many who were also trapped at home, going anywhere is a novel idea for us, too. Do you have any idea how hard it is to separate a 13-year-old from his desktop? When he asked if we could somehow drag it with us, we told him no. He would have to leave Brawhalla behind.
Now, he acted like we were killing him, but he had fun. So we went to Florida, and though we didn't go to Disney World, we did go to Fun Spot and Tree Trek!
And, of course, we had to stop by Triple D spots!
Se7en Bites was awesome. Colorful restaurant, divine desserts, and awesome food. Loved it.
As soon as we got home, the 13-year-old went to his room, but it was nice for the week we had him. Occasionally he visits downstairs. The 9-year-old had a ball at the pool and hung out with us. We are enjoying her as much as we can before she disappears, too.
Now, school.
We don't know how it's going to go. We're wearing masks in Louisville, district-wide, and there's some question about a virtual school, but I think my babies are ready to go back. I'm a counselor, so I'm pretty excited myself.
Writing and Promoting
I'm trying something new right now. Booksprout. Ever heard of it?
Reviews will make or break a writer. You will see requests for reviews in books, posts, and social media. Why? The more people who see them will read a book either to enjoy it as the reviewer did or see if it was as terrible as the reviewer said it was. You don't have to write a description. You could just leave stars, but anything helps.
So what this company will do is connect you with readers who want to review. Now, the reviews are honest, so be prepared. Still, in a world where reviews are hard to come by, options are a good thing.
I post in Facebook groups, connect with my readers and fellow writers, share pictures I like, build relationships, and use the other social media I'm comfortable with to promote my work. I also share myself, who I am, and what I like. I have a thing for pretty pictures, so I share those, too. It's a steady stream of keeping yourself visible and being honest. Be yourself because if you're not, everyone will know.
I added Broken Promises to Booksprout as an ARC. It was the last book published before Covid, so I'd like to get it out there again.
Beta Kristoff Dumanovsky has loved his alpha, Jeremiah Tolliver, for years, but Jeremiah wasn’t ready to move on from the love he still had for his dead wife. When tragedy struck, Kristoff blamed his focus and left not only the Iroquois Pack but Jeremiah as well.
When Stefan Mukhankin, an enemy from Kristoff’s past threatens his safety, Jeremiah uses this as a reason to try and bring Kristoff home. It won’t be an easy battle.
Kristoff’s survived before and feels he’ll survive again. He was trained to elude the enemy even if it’s the man he loves, so Jeremiah is in for the fight of their lives.
Can an alpha help his mate believe their bond is true, or will his mate find yet another place to run?
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Have a beautiful week!
And if I haven't already said it, it is so good to be back!